Ankle Pain in Oregon
Ankle Pain in Oregon

Ankle pain and limited ankle function in Hillsboro accounts for a surprising percentage of disability in the United States. I it's funny how such a small thing can cause so much trouble. When it comes to work in trees especially, ankles are vulnerable to a whole host of dangers. Moving carts, vehicles, or materials can slam into them, a far from any height normally involves you trying to land on your feet, and even extensive walking throughout a warehouse or landscaping grounds can cause ankle problems. Car accidents can also cause damage to the ankle either by striking something inside of a vehicle like the foot well or a pedal, or from the strain/counterstrain of firmly pressing your foot on the brake during impact.
Sports injuries also frequently occur to ankles via quick stop and pivot maneuvers, jumping in landing activities, and being tackled at an awkward angle, especially wearing cleats. Simply running across the field to get into position on a level surface can cause an ankle sprain, much less the 4 inch deep tractor tread divots, left by groundskeeping after a heavy rain, which resulted in my own badly sprained ankle in high school. I blame the coaches for running us out there after the sun went down and visibility was low; let that be a lesson to the rest of you.
The nature of the physical demands placed on the ankle, the relatively limited amount of strength provided by neighboring muscles, and the often permanent instability resultant of severed ligaments can place extra challenge on ankle recovery. Exercise and neuromuscular reeducation activities are essential and reconnecting the ankle to the brain, so to speak. The coordination gains from such procedures are invaluable for preventing repeat or secondary injuries. Many ankle traumas, especially those that include direct trauma or significant falls, can cause fractures to the ankle bones with relative ease. At Corazón Chiropractic, if a fracture is even minimally suggested, x-rays are recommended posthaste to determine the extent of the damage and to evaluate for surgical need. Ankle bones are notorious for developing avascular necrosis, which can lead to a need for amputation after infection. This scenario is rare, but obviously serious.
Once an ankle injury has progressed towards disability-levels of problems, it can drastically limit the number of vocational options available to you. And as soon as you're ready to go on vacation from your job, bucket list items like walking along the Great Wall of China, long walks on a Mediterranean beach, or climbing up a mountain go from motivational goals filled with opportunity to depressing ideas filled with resentfulness. Don't take ankle injuries lightly because they will not go lightly on you.
If your ankle or ankles need some attention, it's best to go to a clinic that has multiple treatment options. At Corazón Chiropractic Clinic, we have Class IV Laser therapy, kinesiotaping, therapeutic massage, therapeutic ultrasound, gentle adjustments, heat/ice, Biofreeze, Bromelain for inflammation, and in-house exercises on offer. If your exercise needs go beyond what we can comfortably offer in the clinic, we have a wonderful relationship with the ATI physical therapy office next door.
Please let us know how we can help. Life is a long walk. We want to make sure you can make it.