Wellness Care

Health is not always a clear and easily understood subject. Often, when people judge their own well-being, they evaluate whether they’re currently sick. If they feel a little run down, or worse than they did ten years earlier, they assume this is a normal part of the aging process and ignore it without further investigation. But even if you don’t feel sick, that doesn’t mean your health is as great as it could be. As our knowledge of health and wellness has advanced, so has the opportunities to wake up feeling better in our bodies. Many people work with professionals to create health and wellness care plans and end up feeling better than they did ten years earlier. By taking a closer look at our health, we can make surprising adjustments. Chiropractic care in Portland and Hillsboro can be an important and life changing part of a long term plan for wellness care and preventative steps to keep you feeling as great as possible.
How Your Lifestyle Can Affects Overall Wellness
Why is it that people so often feel more run down over time? It isn’t only aging, it is also the activities and strains the body endures over time. The human body performs tasks all day long. People reach for objects with repetitive motions, lift heavy weights, carry the groceries inside, and sit at desks all day long. All of these activities are an important part of life that put strain on the body. Even our emotional reactions to things that happen in our lives have an impact, as our muscles tense and strain, often without our even noticing.
Our spinal column is where the problem starts for many people. The spinal column is where many of the nerves that send messages to the rest of the body are bundled. When the vertebrae protecting the spinal cord fall out of proper alignment, a lot of different kinds of problems can occur. Sometimes the misaligned vertebrae will irritate nerves and cause pain to shoot throughout the body. Other times, a person may feel overly tired or run down. There are a long list of other possible issues that can easily occur when a spinal column is misaligned.
This misalignment can occur from many normal activities, or even emotional stress. With muscles tensing, poor posture, or repetitive motions causing stress, it’s natural for the vertebrae to come out of alignment and the body to then suffer ongoing issues. In many cases, these issues start small. When they go ignored, it’s easy to assume the ongoing problems are part of aging. When a person feels suddenly, acutely ill or in pain, they are more likely to seek out help than if it builds slowly and becomes a normal part of their lives. Unfortunately, this situation is all too common and means the person doesn’t have the level of health they could with an evaluation and treatment plan.
Chiropractic Treatment as Part of a Wellness Care Plan
Chiropractors create treatment plans with gentle adjustments and non invasive techniques to properly align the spinal column and help treat these issues that can plague your wellness. Their work begins with learning about how a patient spends their days and the types of strain their body endures. The chiropractor learns how the patient has been feeling and evaluates their overall health. From there, a treatment plan can be created to help meet the needs of the patient’s long term health, so they can be feeling their best. With a properly aligned spine, the body functions better. This can help with nerves, blood flow, digestion, and mobility issues.
With chiropractic care from Corazon Chiropractic Clinic on your side, you'll have a team looking out for your overall long term health care, so your body can function at its best. If you have more questions about chiropractic care in Portland and Hillsboro or would like to set up an appointment, please contact our team today and we’ll be happy to help.